- Season 1 league play will begin on March 1st
- Season 1 league Play will end Sunday, September 29th
- The League Invitational will take place on October 12th, at 7602 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd., Glen Burnie, MD 21060 . Check out our flyer for more details!
- Players will gain league points through participating in events at each participating store. Players will receive 3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw and 1 point for participating.
- The Top 6 Players from each store, based on their performance at that store’s events, will qualify for the League Invitation.
- The Winners of Competitive Events, hosted by the Participating Stores, will also get invites.
- Finally, there will also be a number of Wild Card Invites for high scoring players not yet invited through other means. These Invites will take into account your performance from every event you’ve played in the League.
- You can also earn byes by qualifying in a number of ways.
- League Invitational will award a minimum thousand dollar prize pool, Exclusive Playmats made for the League and a Trophy for the winner’s store to display until the next League Invitational.
- What stores are participating?
- For the 2024 Season, the following Stores will be participating in the League. Representing the City of Baltimore and the surrounding area; Game Haven and Level Up Games! Representing the District of Columbia and the surrounding area; Curio Cavern, Dice City Games and Victory Comics!
- Who is running the League?
- In addition to the Participating Stores and the great folks who run them, the League will be run by a group of highly respected Judges from all over the DMV.
- How do I participate in the League?
- Simply play at your local store! Upon playing in any of our participating stores, your points will be tracked in our system. Nothing more from you is needed until you earn an Invite!
- What happens after I earn an Invite?
- After you’ve earned an Invite, or you believe you might, you will need to sign up on dmvlegacyleague.com . There we will ask you for your name, your email address and a contact number for you. This is so we can contact you regarding the Invitational. You will not receive any non League related messages from us by giving us this information. Prior to signing up, all we’ll have from the Stores in terms of information is the name you played under.
- Where can I see how many points I have?
- If you've registered for an account, just click the "My Stats" link on the left side of the screen. If not, you'll be able to find yourself on our leaderboards - both the "Overall" board, and the individual board for each store.
- Do Invites pass down?
- Yes! If the winner of a Competitive Event has already won a Competitive Event this season, their invite pass down to 2nd place and so on and so forth. If anyone in the Top 6 of a Participating Store has a Competitive Event invite, that invite will also pass down to the next place that doesn't have an invite. Then after all that is done, the top performing players from every store, who don’t have invites will get the at-large invites. The number of At-Large Invites will be determined near the end of the season based on the parameters in the Full Rules.
- What was that about byes?
- Players can earn up to one Bye in the League Invitational through qualifying in multiple ways. For example, if a Player wins two Competitive Events, the invite they’d have earned through their second victory would pass down but they would earn a Bye for the League Invitational. The full list of ways for a Player to earn a Bye can be found in the Rules linked below.
- Are proxies allowed at the invitational?
- At the invitational itself, player may include 15 proxy cards in their deck. (For individual weekly events, please consult with the individual stores.)
To ensure fairness and readability, proxies used by players must meet all of the following requirements: - Proxies must be indistinguishable in all ways (especially thickness and size) when shuffled into the deck - or put differently, none of the cards can be marked in any way. (Be aware, paper inserts are very often marked cards - use at your own risk!)
- Each proxy must not be designed and printed in such a way that it could be confused with a real card. For example, the proxy uses a different card back (and the deck uses fully opaque sleeves!), or has a watermark on its face that states it is not a real card.
- All Proxies must include all of the following pieces of information:
- Name
- Mana Cost
- Card Art (see below for specifics)
- P/T if it's a creature
- Loyalty (if the card is a Planeswalker)
- Proxies may either feature artwork or be free of artwork. If you choose to use a proxy without artwork, we strongly recommend using the MDFC Black Cards released by Wizards.
- If the proxy has artwork on it, it must follow the following criteria.
- Each proxy must use art appropriate for that card. This is most easily achieved by using official art that has been previously printed on that card. If you wish to use any other art, it must meet the following criteria:
- The art used cannot have been art used on any other printed Magic card.
- The art must be appropriate for the card type, and not be reasonably confused for a different card type.
- If you choose to use a Proxy without artwork, in addition to the Proxy featuring all the details required by Section 3, players will be required to print an additional color proxy of the card for when it is in a public zone. This additional proxy will also need to be in a different colored sleeve and must remain in the Player's deckbox during the match until needed.
- Players choosing to utilize blank cards as Proxies will be required to also have a color print of the card in their deckbox in a different color sleeve. (i.e. similar to having a checklist cards for delver of secrets)
All proxies are subject to approval by the head judge of the invitational. We encourage you to verify with the head judge at the event if you are unsure about any proxies you have! - What were those rules?
- For the full set of Rules, please see them here.
- What if I have an additional question?
- Please send us an email at admin@dmvlegacyleague.com or contact us on various social media pages at @dmvlegacyleague .